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The timebank feature

The timebank feature gives members the ability to earn time credits and exchange them for skills and resources they need. Members can post offers or requests for help in exchange for earned credits. They can also donate their credits to other members. The timebank offers much more than a catalogue of offers and requests.

Powered by the social network, members can make direct exchanges with other members and get help with the ‘little things’ that could make a big difference to their lives eg: someone to talk to, someone to look after a cat whilst in hospital, a lift to do the weekly shop etc.

The timebank creates an online marketplace where time, not money, is the currency. This feature will help your members support each other.


Project teams

The project teams feature allows any individual, group or organisation to create and run (private or public) community projects with any other members.

Team members can access a 'go to' place for planning and delivering projects, create and store plans, upload / download files, interact with group members (as a group or 1:1), assign tasks, set up chatrooms, embed surveys and Trello boards, follow up on progress and call meetings.


A new demo platform

Our team have just launched a new demo platform!

Explore the platform and learn about how to use it, how to edit sections in your own CMS and how this platform can give you a wide variety of stats.

Get to grips with the different options available on the Made Open platform and contact Rob to find out how to license this platform for your organisation.


The community directory

The community directory feature is an effective solution for showcasing community groups and activities alongside more established support services from voluntary and public sector organisations. This feature can help everyone to find and engage with information in a relevant and meaningful way.


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Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

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